Year 3 - H/V

Chapter 5 - HAVO

So, neither, nor: uitleg so, neither, nor in het Nederlands + 5 oefeningen en een kwis. uitleg so, neither, nor in het Nederlands + 1 oefening (pdf file) Passive voice: uitleg passive voice in the Nederlands + 3 oefeningen.

Chapter 5 VWO

What/ Which: uitleg over what, which in het Nederlands + 6 oefeningen. EngelsGemist: filmpje met uitleg over what,which in het Nederlands: Engelse website: extra oefening what,...

Chapter 6 - HAVO

Prepositions: Explanation about different prepositions in Dutch Explanation about prepositions of time with exercises at the bottom of the page. Exercise 1  Exercise 2 page with all kinds of preposition exercises.   Future: Explanation about using different kind...

Chapter 6 - VWO

If-sentence for facts: Explanation with exercises   If and When: Explanation in Dutch about 'if' and 'when' Explanation in English about 'if' and 'when' Another explanation about this topic. Exercise 1    Future continuous: Explanation in...


English Classroom HJZ