Who are you, Lisa

05/04/2012 11:13

Who are you?


“So, you feel weird?” The doctor appeared a while ago in his TARDIS because he heard someone calling for help. “I think so” Ichigo hesitated for a bit. ”since I lost my memory, I think I am able to see ghosts…”  “Do you know how late it is?” The doctor asked. Ichigo answered: “I think around 12:05 AM” for explanation, Ichigo  is a Soul Reaper with orange hair and brown eyes. He likes to fight, but since a short time ago he lost his memory.  The doctor turned around:” We could find out who you were before you lost your memory” “HOW!” Ichigo yelled at the doctor. “but before we go, you need to find your family. They could be worried about you for staying away for so long. They could even be angry.” The doctor complained. Ichigo looked in his wallet:“ knowing from what I saw in my wallet, I live in Kura Kura town, in Japan. But we are in London. What am I doing here anyway?” he looked outside through  the window. He saw a monster standing in the sky, then slashed by a Soul Reaper. “What the-” He jumped up and suddenly fell down in front of the doctor: “ I think I remember a bit…” the doctor looked confused: “ What then?” Ichigo crawled up and looked through the window again: “I saw a Hollow, and being slashed by people like me…” the doctor walked to his TARDIS: “ Do you still want to know who you were? Or can I go?” Ichigo looked in his way: “of course I want to go with you, because I still miss a bit of my memory.” They stepped in the TARDIS and it was gone in a flash.



English Classroom HJZ noordmantineke@gmail.com