Ichigo and Ishida, Janneke

05/04/2012 11:12

Ichigo and Ishida!

Ichigo Kurosaki and Ishida in the Tweede kamer with a capsizing ship at 12:05 AM.


‘What the hell is this?’ asked Ichigo. It’s about 12:05 AM. We don’t know what it is, it is a room with all blue seats. Ishida is with Ichigo, they walk forward in the room. A ghost is doing ‘WHOOH’ all time long. ‘Do you know where we are?’ is Ishida asking the ghost. The ghost know of course where we are. We’re in the Tweede kamer. ‘What a stupid room’ say Ichigo, he don’t like this place, because he can’t fight over here. In the Netherlands aren’t Hollows, how boring. Ichigo is looking all around, he is really wanted to fight. ‘He! What is that?’ A black hole is opening and a hollow is coming out. ‘He is my!’ Ichigo dump op, take his sword. A long black sword, and he try to hid the hollow. But he missed the hollow. Ishida take his long bow and tried to a shot. And he hid him. The hollow is dead. A another black hole is opening and again a hollow is coming out. But this one is going to attack. A long water jet is the hollow shooting. Ishida and Ichigo have to swerve, what created a other change for the hollow to attack, he dive and try to catch Ichigo to take him with him. Ichigo jumps away, take his sword again and hit the hollow on this mask. The mask is broke and the hollow is defeat again. All the room is coat with water. ‘What the hell is this’, a prime minister come to Ishida and Ichigo. He is very angry, all the blue seats are done ‘we have to rule over here.’. The door open and a boat come out. A boat is tripping on the water. Ishida take his bow and shot the boat down. The ship capsize. ‘Oh, no. it is a nightmare!’ the prime minister is pissed off on Ishida. The boat had to deliver the drinks in the room. ‘How can I know?’ Ishida is pissed off on the prime minister, he try to save this life, and all he do is being angry. The police come and arrested Ichigo and Ishida for make the prime minister angry.




English Classroom HJZ noordmantineke@gmail.com