(title), Hugo

11/04/2012 13:55

On a rainy Sunday morning, when the world started to crumble a frog woke up in a smelly bathtub. He looked out of the window and saw bits and pieces of the earth flying around.

He thought “what the fr*g is happening”  he saw space ships with tractor beams  sucking up cows and Twinkie’s . he opened up his fridge and took an beer and WITH A SHOCK HE REALIZED :

 I AM IN AMY WINEHOUSE’S BATHROOM  :o. not that I have been here before or something.  I mean that would be weird right, right!? 

The frog thought “I should get some food, no one can live on beer and dead fly’s,  well gamers can, but you know those people can survive on 6 ltr coke an 2 pizzas for weeks. Speaking of witch I remember seeing a pizza in the drain, is guess I should get that, later… maybe.

What, what was that I swear I heard something, a dull cracking noise. There I heard it again.

And the with a BLAST the floor bursts open and a the doctor appeared in his tardis.

WHAT THE F*CK IS A TARDIS ANYWAY!? Anyhow as the doors open the frog hear a terrible sound. The village people elevator music  OMG :O. as the frog tries to escape, he squeezes himself   through the drain end thing I shouldn’t have eaten that last sandwich :S. when he reaches the sewers het hears a cracking sound. The pipe where he just popped out explodes with a loud bang. And in front of him parts of the sever start to float up into  the sky.



The end !?


English Classroom HJZ noordmantineke@gmail.com