Thinking about something...

26/05/2013 19:52

Sometimes you have to think about something...well most of the time you think about something, but this time it's about this website. Mainly about what to do with this website for next school year. A few months ago I asked you what the main reason is for visiting this website. Most of you answered: doing the extra grammar exercises. Which means that I need to improve this website to make it more practical for you. And I already enjoy all the ideas that pop up in my head. 'What kind of things?', you might ask. Well, that I will tell you later, but I will keep you posted via Twitter or this website.


Until then, good luck at the last four week filled with lessons and projects. Keep yourself together and stay true to yourself.


P.S. This boyband is also thinking about something...but it might be something else than what I'm thinking about ;)



English Classroom HJZ