September 2014 quiz

01/09/2014 00:00

Question 1: An American called Caleb Bradham invented Pepsi back in 1893. What did he first call it?

a) Brad's Drink

b) Caleb's Drink

c) CB's Drink


Question 2: From whom does Bluetooth (wireless connection) get its name?

a) a Roman leader

b) an Indian chief

c) a Viking king


Question 3: What are baby guinea pigs called?

a) cubs

b) piglets

c) puppies


Question 4: How many muscles are in an elephant's trunk?

a) about 20,000

b) about 30,000

c) 40,000+


Question 5: Which is the only planet less dense than water? In other words, which is the only planet which would float on water?

a) Neptune

b) Saturn

c) Jupiter


Question 6: In October 2009 NASA deliberately crashed two spacecraft into the moon. Why?

a) to detect water

b) to detect life

c) to detect valuable minerals


Question 7: In November 2009 Micheal Jackson's rhinestone-covered glove that he wore the first time he performed his famous 'Moonwalk' was sold at auction. How much did it sell for?

a) 212,000 pounds

b) 312,000 pounds

c) 412,000 pounds


Question 8: How many tonnes of carrots does the London Zoo buy each year?

a) 3 tonnes

b) 13 tonnes

c) 23 tonnes


Question 9: Which Doctor Who was David Tennant?

a) 8th

b) 9th

c) 10th


Question 10: Which word currently in popular use was originally invented by Dr Seuss?

a) nerd

b) dude

c) bling


Question 11: Which animal appears on California's state flag?

a) grizzly bear

b) cougar

c) eagle


Question 12: How many passengers can the London Eye carry all at once?

a) 600

b) 700

c) 800


Question 13: Which animal was the French General Napoleon afraid of?

a) mice

b) squirrels

c) cats


Question 14: How much hydrogen does the sun burn every second?

a) 700 million tonnes

b) 7 million tonnes

c) none


Question 15: What does Canada mean in Indian?

a) small village

b) big village

c) happy village


Question 16: A googol is the number 1 followed by how many zeroes?

a) ten

b) hundred

c) thousand


Question 17: The phrase 'Abracadabra' was first used as a cure for what?

a) hay fever

b) warts

c) the plague


Question 18: In what year did the Simpsons first appear on TV?

a) 1993

b) 1990

c) 1987


Question 19: What was the video game character we know as Mario originally called?

a) Leapman

b) Hopman

c) Jumpman




English Classroom HJZ