Plane terror: Daniël K, Laurens en Erwin

11/04/2012 15:22

Once upon a time there was a girl, which owned a cleaning company. Her name was Yvonne. Things were going well, and the company grew. But the happy times didn’t last, and a  rival company took away all of her clients, and so she was forced to fire all of her employees. But when she was about to close her company due to being bankrupt, she got a new assignment.

 According to the client, it would be an easy one. She only had to clean the closet, which hadn’t been cleaned for over a year. There was just one catch, the closet was aboard a plane. This plane would be on the ground for only 2 hours, after which it would take off to New York. The closet was part of the client’s personal closet collection, which he had just bought from a Mexican. For some odd reason, the client called it ”5 Terrorista’s” which meant something religious in his language. Off course, Yvonne couldn’t refuse such a great offer, considering the fact that her company was on the brink of being bankrupt.

The next day, Yvonne went to the airport. The client was already waiting for her, and guided her past all the security. The plane was a normal Boeing 737, but it had a really weird name; Your Closet.  Once she was aboard, he showed her the closet. It was a really big closet, but nothing out of the ordinary. She had cleaned thousands of closets in her life, so this wouldn’t be a problem. When she opened it, she noticed there were five bear suits inside the closet. The client said those weren’t his property, but he’d rather not have her touch them (maybe it were really valuable bear suits). The client removed the bear suits, which seemed really heavy. By then she had already started cleaning the closet. After an hour she was almost done, but then the plane suddenly moved. What she didn’t know was that the plane she was on had to replace a plane that had engine failure. Scared as she was, she ran to the emergency exit. As she was trying to open the door, someone grabbed her by the shoulder! She turned around to the person, and saw… PEDO BEAR!!! Apparently that bear suit wasn’t really a bear suit… She quickly ran away, and noticed that there were people in the other 4 suits. Yvonne ran to them, and called out for help, but they just ignored her and went upstairs, to the cockpit. She chased after them, but Pedobear blocked the way. As Pedobear lunged at her, she quickly fled back to the closet, and closed the door.

Meanwhile, those 4 guys had hijacked the plane, and forced the pilot to head to the Pentagon. They were planning to crash the plane into it as an act of terrorism. This wasn’t the first time they would do something illegal, but they have never hijacked a plane before. That’s why they needed an expert, and just 2 days before they started the mission, a weird guy in a bear suit showed up. He said he knew everything about smuggling people and weapons on board a plane, and was willing to work for a low price. He had a Mexican accent, and had a big closet with him. For just 10 bucks, he came up with a plan; He knew someone who could bring the closet inside the plane, in which the 5 terrorists would be hiding in bear suits. As soon as the plane would take off, they would come out of their hiding place. It was simple, and yet brilliant, and the men agreed.

Back to the closet: Yvonne was still inside the closet, using all her strength to keep the door closed. Then she got an idea; let go of the door, so the bear falls down, and then run to the emergency door. She wouldn’t last much longer, so she had no time to think of anything better. She let go of the door, the bear fell, and she ran. When she made it to the emergency door, she realized she hadn’t thought about what to do if she made it, but the bear was already back on its feet. Before really realizing what she did she grabbed a bear suit, and jumped. As she was falling through the air, she used the suit as a parachute (which wouldn’t have worked if the average American size was XXXXXXXXXL).

To be continued ?!


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