Article archive

14/09/2013 15:31
Man! Last week I wrote about how hot it was in class...but this week??? Soaking wet, autumn is back and probably here to stay. But in the mean time the first tests were scheduled for most of the classes I teach. And may I say that most of you did an A-MA-ZING JOB!! Well done!! Ans for some of you...
07/09/2013 14:06
It is good to finally meet all of my (new) students this week. One busy week filled with writing, listening and speaking. Also a week filled with a nice temperature...right until Wednesday. After that it became hot! Thank God, next week won't be this hot. Next week (especially Monday) will be...
01/09/2013 11:34
Welcome students! After 7 weeks of vacation your teacher started working again, and last Thursday and Friday I saw many, many new faces. I hope I will remember your names as soon as possible...poor me! To all you students I taught last year, welcome back! It's good to notice that most of you had a...
03/08/2013 14:19
New Jersey 10.000 BC There was a girl named Ghita. She was divorced from a rich men and lived in an old house near the spooky and creepy train station. Because she was divorced, she hasn’t a lot of furniture in her house, so she decided to buy new furniture by the Ikea. So she go by horse to...
03/08/2013 14:19
TRANSCRIPT: [INTERCEPTED MESSAGE P5K83-H1] Received: 3M AGO Kim Jong-un was just reading through the latest war reports, inside his bunker in Seoul (right after he’d conquered Southern Korea, all of his military activities were moved there). Right when he started to write a long angry letter to all...
03/08/2013 14:18
Once upon a time was Kim Jong-un in a Primark. Everything he sad wasn’t interesting. The weirdest thing was that everything was black! Kim felt that someone was standing close by him. He ask that person why everything was turned up black. ‘You have closed eye’s,’ respond the person. Kim opened his...
03/08/2013 14:17
One day, the 9th of septembre to be exact, Saint Nickolas went to the ball pit because there was a Pokémon event there. Well, there was supposed to be, but some stupid terrorists stole the event box, captured a plane and made it collide with the WTC. Now Saint Nick over here was raging, but he...
03/08/2013 14:17
once up on a time on a time Lina went on vacation to the southern Korea. She always wanted to visit the country because she thinks it has an interesting culture. Se had saved money for this trip for over twenty years. When she finally had enough money she flew to southern Korea. When she arrived...
03/08/2013 14:16
Sint-Niklaas was driving on a horse from Spain to Germany, fighting in the war between Germany and S.U. in the KFC. He will help Hitler in the fight against the S.U.. He is driving as a knight in the middle ages. It was a long journey to Germany’s KFC. And its start to rain and his special clots...
26/05/2013 19:52
Sometimes you have to think about something...well most of the time you think about something, but this time it's about this website. Mainly about what to do with this website for next school year. A few months ago I asked you what the main reason is for visiting this website. Most of you answered:...
Items: 11 - 20 of 56
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English Classroom HJZ