Article archive

01/11/2014 00:00
Question 1: What year did John Logie Baird give the world's first public demonstration of television? a) 1926 b) 1936 c) 1946   Question 2: The kiwi bird is almost completely ... a) deaf b) silent c) blind   Question 3: Lettuce is a member of which family of flowers? a) sunflowers b)...
01/09/2014 08:00
Who will be the first to appear on this Wall of Fame? Send your answers to your teacher, using the form below.
01/09/2014 00:00
Question 1: An American called Caleb Bradham invented Pepsi back in 1893. What did he first call it? a) Brad's Drink b) Caleb's Drink c) CB's Drink   Question 2: From whom does Bluetooth (wireless connection) get its name? a) a Roman leader b) an Indian chief c) a Viking king   Question...
03/01/2014 12:09
Begin niet 1 dag van te voren, maar leer een week lang iedere dag een beetje! Leer de woordjes (SO/PW) o   Maak flashcards. Hierbij schrijf je aan de ene kant het Engelse woord en aan de andere kant de Nederlandse vertaling. Hiermee kun je jezelf overhoren. Tijdens het overhoren maak...
15/12/2013 14:07
The last school week of 2013!! Man...does time travel fast! Before you know it it's January 2014...but we have to do some nice things first :). Besides some regular lessons, it's time for the annual Xmas lessons during English class. I can't wait to share what I've gt for will be a bit of...
01/12/2013 17:48
Rapport cards have been handed out, time to start with a new chapter in this school year...your second trimester...ooeeehh!! Are you scared yet? ;) This week will be filled with joy and pleasure, besides going to school of course... Saint Nicholas is back in the Netherlands and we all going to...
24/11/2013 13:25
The last couple of weeks were very busy for your teacher. Preparing lessons, creating tests, checking tests and having a lot of meetings to make sure that you all get the correct marks on your report card. So there was little time left to update this website. I'm so sorry, but don't worry any...
23/10/2013 10:18
I don't know what you did (well I know what some of you did) but I had a blast when I went to Berlin with class 4E and 4F last week. All those different , magnificent buildings...spending time with a very nice group of pupils and enjoying all the nice activities we did in Berlin. All I have to say...
06/10/2013 10:46
Autumn has arrived. The leaves are turning brown and it is getting colder every day. But we don't have to complain because the sun is shining brightly and autumn break is coming up in only two weeks time! Until then, most of you will have to go to class for one-and-a-half week and a project to...
21/09/2013 14:46
Every blog it seems to become a weather report. And yet again, another comment from your teacher about the weather (I'm sooo into new things ;) ). Because where were you sun? Tell me what we need to do to get you back? I already miss you after 2 weeks filled with clouds and...
Items: 1 - 10 of 56
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