The Pokémon Plane, by Djurre

One day, the 9th of septembre to be exact, Saint Nickolas went to the ball pit because there was a Pokémon event there. Well, there was supposed to be, but some stupid terrorists stole the event box, captured a plane and made it collide with the WTC. Now Saint Nick over here was raging, but he could not leave the ball pitt because he was having to much fun! His birthday was only 26 days away, so he needed some time for him self. His horse Djego is waiting outside, still shocked from those terrorist. But Saint Nick is sad too, he is a Pokémon freak and was on that one time only event, because there you could unlock 10 special items which helped you unlock 20 new super special Pokémon! He was going to get his revenge somehow……… “Wait a minute?” he said, “I am a Saint! I can do what ever I want! And I have heard Osama Bin Laden is behind this, so I shal predict that when the first black president of the USA is half way through his first term, Osama shall be killed by a Navy Seal!” So said so done, 10 years later president Barack Obama orderd a Seal team to assasinate Bin laden and that happened. Saint Nick is happy now he got his revenge, but also sad, Nintendo did not redo that event. So he is now thinking for his revenge against Nintendo.


The End


English Classroom HJZ