The Fault in Our Stars - John Green

- Level: year 3 and up

A massive film hit at the moment, but that isn't a surprise. The book is brilliant, and I don't say that about every book I read.


A love story about a girl, Hazel, and a boy, August, who meet at a cancer support group for teens. Hazel has a form of lung cancer and doesn't know how long she will live. August survived cancer, but lost a leg because of the cancer. Due to their cancer experiences and their love for a specific film, the two bond and they fall in love. Everything seems to be going alright ...but does it all ends well for the two lovers?  


I couldn't put this book away and at some point tears were streaming down my face (I won't tell you why, duh). It explains so well all the mixed emotions the two characters are going through, not only in a sentimental way but also with a touch of humour. Read this book, you won't regret.


English Classroom HJZ